Sylvia Hamilton Goulden
Studio City, CA
Age 89
What keeps you excited in the studio?
Exploring and Discovery
Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed?
Starting with working in several media and styles, I seemed to build a vocabulary of methods , at the same time making me more proficient as it made me more adventurous. The result is that I am quite eclectic both in materials used and subject matter. The underlying, consistent thread in my work is ‘energy.’
What role do you think the artist has in today’s society?
Many artists are dedicated to bringing attention to matters of economic, national and world situations, environment, etc. All being important and necessary. Others bring us art that is simply the beauty of nature, people, other art forms and more. All art has it’s role in today’s society.
What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist?
Try to work at your art each day, even if it’s just doodling. Explore methods and materials.
Does age matter in art? Why or why not?
Age does not matter. At any age, art can express how you feel, your energy level, what you may be thinking, or what you see that brings you joy (or disdain), and/or dreams you may have.
What can we look forward to from you next?
I’m hoping to continue exploring abstraction plus collage/assemblage/mixed media, but returning to a large format.
Is there anything else you would like to share about being an artist later in life?
At 89, I find my studio time is less per session than I would like. My body can’t withstand the longer time periods!
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