There is an abundance of food to collect while traveling through Faerûn in Baldur’s Gate 3. The majority of items that can be found include simple fruits, cheeses, or bread, if they haven’t already rotted by the time adventurers come across them. Fortunately, the party can find a myriad of foods during its journey to ensure that all party members are all sufficiently energized and rested for the journey ahead.
It is very important to gather food in Baldur’s Gate 3, as it will provide camp supplies that adventurers need for long rests. These long rests are essential, allowing characters to fully restore their health points and spell slots. While nearly all the food looks like it could be tasty, only certain dishes in the game look truly appetizing, ensuring both a hearty meal and a sufficient night’s rest for any who consume them.
Bex is one of the many tieflings that players can find at The Last Light Inn in Act 2 if they manage to successfully save the residents of the Emerald Grove back in Act 1. Upon rescuing the love of her life Danis from the cells in Moonrise Towers, she thanks the party by providing them with fresh, homemade cookies. From there, Bex and Danis take time to catch up, discussing their plans for the future.
The Last Light Inn presents a major Baldur’s Gate 3 choice, but between helping Isobel and Marcus, one option has far more advantages than the other.
Bex’s handmade cookies are described as being very unique in terms of flavor and extremely tasty, clearly adding to their appeal. Considering that the player character receives them after doing a good deed out of the kindness of their hearts, the fact that these cookies are said to “taste like heroism” is very fitting. If these cookies are just as good as the description states, then Danis and any other visitors to Bex’s future teahouse in Baldur’s Gate are very lucky.
This common food item is a sweet pastry coated in vanilla icing and cinnamon, and is described as having a very sweet aroma that matches its taste. The pastry looks very warm and comforting and would go great with a cup of coffee or tea while relaxing by the fire at camp. Based on the Cinnamon Roll‘s appearance and description, one cannot help but want to take a bite of these delectable pastries.
Cinnamon rolls can be found in numerous places in Baldur’s Gate 3. They can be found as loot, or when buying items from traders. Although they do not provide much camp supplies, they are still a very tasty snack to keep on hand should anyone find themselves in need of satiating their sweet tooth.
Another common pastry that can be found across the lands of Baldur’s Gate 3, though this one is slightly more filling than simple breads or cookies. The Berry Tart has a buttery crust, and it’s filled to the brim with sugary jam and various fruits. The bright, colorful treat is sure to satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth.
Although a singular berry tart does not provide a lot of camp supplies on its own, they are relatively easy to find, either as loot in crates or sold by various traders. This means that any parties that have numerous berry tarts at their disposal will have a lot of camp supplies on hand when needed, providing them with a multitude of delightfully sweet treats to enjoy while relaxing at camp.
Neverwinter is one of the numerous major cities in Faerûn, and it’s a popular location in Dungeons & Dragons media, including multiple acclaimed video games. Although it is not a location that can be visited in Baldur’s Gate 3, despite the existence of a portal leading to it, there are multiple references to Neverwinter throughout the game. One of these references is the Neverwinter Stew that players can find during their journey.
The future of Baldur’s Gate 3 is looking especially bright for fans of Dungeons & Dragons, especially considering one great new fan creation.
The Neverwinter stew looks like a delicious and hearty meal, complete with broth, chunks of meat, and various kinds of vegetables. It could be the perfect meal to enjoy during a cool evening while relaxing at camp. Furthermore, it has a broth that is made from various human, dwarven, and elven beers, which is sure to give it a unique flavor.
This large plate of potato scones is not only filling, but it also looks remarkably tasty. The scones themselves appear particularly crunchy and filling. Complete with lettuce, a few scoops of beans, and a creamy white dipping sauce, this platter could be a pleasant, flavorful meal for any Baldur’s Gate 3 party member to dig into.
Providing parties with ten total camp supplies means that four plates of these scones are sufficient for a full night’s rest. Since this dish is commonly carried by traders, a Potato Scone Platter is relatively easy to find when needed. Players can come across these as early as Act 1 when speaking to traders like Octa in the Emerald Grove.
According to the Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms lore, Rothé beasts are a type of large oxen-like livestock found in various parts of Faerûn. They are raised both by humans in the northern portions of the continent and by the drow in the Underdark. It appears that many individuals make a hearty meal out of this livestock’s meat, utilizing many parts of its body for cooking, including the ribs.
One major Act 1 choice can significantly shape the party’s experience, but the path isn’t necessarily as binary as it might first appear.
The ribs themselves are described as being covered in honey and various herbs before they are grilled. Based on the sheer size of the ribs, along with the description of their flavor, it’s no wonder why these are so popular during festivals. The meat looks so tender that it could fall off of the bone with ease, making it seem all the more appetizing, so players will want to stock up and have a lot of Grilled Rothé Ribs in their possession.
A hearty meal consisting of roasted potatoes, various vegetables, a fried egg, and spring onions, the plate of Baldurian Mash sounds like a multitude of delicious flavors all mixed into one. The plate itself appears very filling, which is fitting, considering only a few are necessary for a full night’s rest. With so much flavor packed into a single bite, it is easy to see why this dish is so popular.
Although this meal can be commonly found being sold by traders in Baldur’s Gate 3, it is a staple dish that is served in many corners of Faerûn. In Baldur’s Gate specifically, Baldurian Mash was most commonly served at the Waukeen’s Rest inn along the Risen Road, before the goblins who were a part of the Absolute’s cult raided and burned it.
Pizza itself is already great as is, but seeing it in a fantasy setting like Baldur’s Gate 3 is an unexpected and delightful surprise. With a soft crust, plenty of sausage, and a blend of at least three different kinds of cheese, it is both a delicious and very filling meal for any adventurer. This savory, cheesy pizza sounds like a great warm meal to enjoy after a long day of traveling through dangerous terrain.
Baldur’s Gate 4 has the potential to be as groundbreaking as its predecessor, but only if it learns this important lesson from a previous GOTY winner.
This delectable meal can be found while looting or while bartering with some traders. The great thing about pizza in Baldur’s Gate 3 is that because it can provide fifteen camp supplies, only three whole pizzas are required to ensure a party gets a full rest. This means that not only will every character at camp receive a great meal, but players can also ensure that everyone will go to sleep feeling satisfied afterward.
A rather large and fancy meal, this Roast Turkey looks absolutely delectable, and its description makes it sound all the more appetizing. It has been doused in red wine, and it’s served on a large silver platter alongside a garnish that consists of both fresh oranges and grapes. The turkey is described as being rather sweet, satisfying anyone with a sophisticated palette.
Roast turkeys were said to be a staple festival dish across various parts of Faerûn, but these turkeys are a rather common sight to see while traveling to Baldur’s Gate. Many traders have these roast turkeys in their possession, making them rather easy for players to come across and acquire. Due to their sheer size, it’s clear why they provide so many camp supplies, so even a few turkeys will be enough for an entire party to achieve a full night’s rest on a full stomach.
As a meal that consists of french fries, cheese, and heavy amounts of gravy, the Poutine that can be found in Baldur’s Gate 3 both delivers a burst of flavor and proves to be also incredibly useful for players looking to ensure they have enough supplies. This meal is a greatly improved version of frites, providing twenty total camp supplies as opposed to only five. This means that only two servings of poutine are needed to provide a full rest, so keeping a few on hand can be incredibly efficient.
There are countless foods in the land of Faerûn that look delicious, but based on the data at hand, poutine qualifies itself as the most appealing dish of them all. With an immense amount of appetizing ingredients, plus the ability to provide plenty of camp supplies to party members, players should never be without a bowl of poutine during their travels in Baldur’s Gate 3.
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