
32 Bad Movies With Awesome Soundtracks

May 24, 2024 - Movies

Soundtracks are an important component of many films. They can elevate good movies to great movies, or they can be the saving grace of an otherwise bad movie. This list is about the latter. 32 times the soundtrack was way better than the movie for which it was produced.

Emilio Estevez looking tough in Judgement Night.

(Image credit: Universal Pictures)

Judgement Night (1993)

Rap-rock mashups were not invented by the Judgement Night soundtrack, Anthrax and Public Enemy had an earlier hit with “Bring The Noise,” but it was still an early example of combining the two seemingly disparate genres to great success. The movie itself is so caught up in tropes and stereotypes that even the great cast couldn’t save the story. The soundtrack was a massive hit and decades later is still far more remembered than the movie.  

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