
Years After Avengers: Endgame, Chris Evans Shares What He Misses About Working With Marvel

November 28, 2023 - Movies

As things stand now, Chris Evans isn’t keen on reprising on Captain America and returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s a decision that, as far as we’re aware, was his to make. But while Evans may have made the call to be done with the franchise, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss making those movies. In fact, he just admitted to that very notion, for all the reasons you can probably guess, and maybe some you can’t.

While appearing on The View (via YouTube) Chris Evans admits there is a lot he does miss about playing Captain America. For starters he legit misses playing Cap, because how often do you get the chance to be the guy on the comic book page? Beyond that, he admits that there’s another more intimate aspect of the job that he still thinks about. Evans says…

So many things. I mean, it’s just intrinsically cool to be a superhero. It’s very fun to play make-believe and live out your childhood dreams. But the friendships are so fantastic, you know? It’s not just the cast, which [are] some of my best friends in the world. But the crew, you know these people so well, and you get to see them every six [to] eight months or so.

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