
‘Below Deck Down Under’ Crew Members Fired After Non-Consensual Sexual Advances Caught On Camera – Deadline

August 13, 2023 - Culture

The latest episode of Bravo’s Below Deck Down Under Season 2 saw two crew members get fired due to their non-consensual sexual advances to fellow co-workers.

Bosun Luke Jones and second steward Laura Bileskalne were kicked off the yacht for misconduct with producers even having to step in following a chilling and scary moment.

The crew had a night of drinking and Margot Sisson went to bed to rest up. Jones would later appear on camera and tried to get into Sisson’s bed as he was naked. The fourth wall was broken as producers intervened to tell Jones to get out of the bed where Sisson was unconscious.

Jones ignored repeated requests by producers to step off the top bunk bed even shutting and locking the door on producers. Producers were finally able to get Jones out of Sisson’s room and had him go to his own quarters.

Chief Steward Aiesha Scott found out about the situation and reported it to Captain Jason Chambers who made Jones leave the yacht and check in to a hotel for the night.

The following morning the captain made the decision to fire Jones telling him, “Last night there were boundaries crossed. There was indecency, and you went into someone else’s cabin without consent. Unfortunately, I’ve got nothing else but to terminate your employment.”

Jones apologized for what happened and said he was disappointed in himself and was asked to pack up his things and leave without saying farewell to the rest of the crew.

As Chambers gathered everyone to tell them that Jones had been let go, Bileskalne said she was sad he left without saying goodbye. Bileskalne had a moment with Sisson where she was told what happened between her and Jones and instead of having more sympathy for her, the second steward seemed to be more sad Jones had left.

Bileskalne also mentioned to Sisson that if Jones had gone into her room, she would’ve welcomed it. She also repeatedly said Jones should have been given a warning and not fired automatically.

Sisson told Scott about how uncomfortable she had been feeling with Bileskalne’s remarks. On top of that, Bileskalne had been making advances to deckhand Adam Kodra, who had been shooting her down. Earlier in the episode, producers also intervened when Bileskalne got on top of Kodra to massage his back despite him asking her to leave.

“I told her many times I just want to be friends, but she’s not getting the point across,” Kodra said during a confessional.

When Chambers was made aware of Bileskalne’s comments about Sisson and her non-consensual advancements to Kodra, the captain made the decision to terminate her job.

“Adam feels uncomfortable with some moments out, and he’s tried to say no, and you have not listened to him and his boundaries to be set,” Chambers told Bileskalne.

He added, “I’m trying to move forward as a team. I’m trying to get that behind us, and you’ve brought it straight back up, so in that I’m going to terminate your employment today.”

Bileskalne pleaded to only get a warning but Chambers declined. As she was leaving she told Chambers he was making a mistake.

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