Disney’s Moana, released in 2016, quickly became a beloved classic, known for its strong protagonist and enchanting story. Auli’i Cravalho, the voice behind the titular character, recently shared her thoughts on the expanding universe of Moana and her involvement in upcoming projects.
At the SAG Awards, Cravalho expressed her excitement about the growth of the Moana franchise, which now includes a live-action remake and an animated sequel. Cravalho’s portrayal of Moana has indeed redefined the Disney princess archetype, emphasizing strength, bravery, and a deep connection to one’s heritage, as per Variety. She said:
“It feels like the ‘Moana’ universe is expanding and I love that.
I love that Moana is a hero to all.
It changed what it meant to be a Disney princess. You can be strong and brave and stand up against a demigod. It feels really good that more and more generations are going to be able to relate to this character.”
In the upcoming animated sequel, Cravalho will once again voice Moana, and she has also assumed the position of executive producer for the live-action version. However, she remains tight-lipped about the live-action project, humorously noting that she could “feel Mickey Mouse breathing down my neck.” The live-action Moana, announced in April 2023, will see Dwayne Johnson return as Maui, while Cravalho will not reprise her role on screen. Instead, she looks forward to finding the next actress to portray Moana. Cravalho stated:
“I believe it is absolutely vital that casting accurately represents the characters and stories we want to tell. I can’t wait to find the next actress to portray Moana’s courageous spirit, undeniable wit and emotional strength.”
Moana was a groundbreaking film in many ways. Here is a review of some interesting and lesser known facts about its cast.
The journey from the original animated film to an expanding franchise has been exciting for fans and creators alike. Initially, a Disney+ series was announced in December 2020 as a sequel to the film. Disney revealed in February 2024, in a surprising turn, that the series had been reworked into a feature film, Moana 2, with a planned release in November 2024.
The decision came after Disney CEO Bob Iger was impressed by early cuts of the series, leading to the conclusion that the story deserved a theatrical release. David G. Derrick Jr., who wrote and directed the animated series, is credited as the director of Moana 2, with animation being handled by Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Canadian satellite studio.
is currently available to stream on Disney+. While
Moana 2
is scheduled to premiere on November 27, 2024.
As the Moana universe continues to expand, fans can look forward to more adventures and storytelling that celebrate the character’s enduring spirit. With Cravalho at the helm, both as a voice actor and executive producer, the franchise is poised to deliver more empowering and heartwarming tales that resonate with audiences worldwide.
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