
Backstage Intro – Meet Javier

May 19, 2023 - Music


Our Community Stars can be featured on Backstage Intros. To find out more about the Star Program click here. 


Hey folks, 

This month, we’re happy to introduce you to Javier, aka @Jpgchief – one of our Community Stars!

Hey, can you tell us a bit about yourself, we’d love to hear your story 🙂 

Hi, my name is Javier and I’m 50 years old. I’m married – my wife’s name is Reyna and we have 3 children: Enrique(25), Amanda(21) and Santiago (17). We recently got a dog and a cat – we’ve never had one before.

I’m Mexican and live in Monterrey, N.L. I joined the Community back in 2017 and have been part of it since then. Nowadays, not as much as I used to but I’m still around.


How did you choose your Community username?

Well, that username… I’ve had it since I was in university. It was kind of my first password I used when I got my first PC back in the early 90s. And when I had to change it – the combination was stuck with me (not sure why, kind of part of me).
The username represents the 3 first letters of my name (Javier Paredes Gómez) – JPG and the chief part is from a movie that I watched when I was a kid. That movie left a mark in my brain since then – I can’t remember the name now, but one of the characters used that word a lot and I never heard it before.


What kind of music are you into?


That’s easy, I’m always looking for new music, but by unknown artists. If it’s their debut – even better. I don’t have a particular genre, that’s why what I usually find more interesting is independent artists (no record label or managers yet).
I listen to a lot of music (this might sound like everyone here in the Community), but what I mean is that this is my job or passion (both actually). So, I’m always listening to unreleased tracks (private links or mp3 files) and then I add them to my playlists on release day.


Tell us, do you have any hobbies?

Okay, I like to play chess and drink tea. I also love to cook and do grocery shopping. I believe that an important part of cooking is selecting the right products, therefore I like to take care of this myself.
I enjoy gathering with family and friends to have a good meal. Watching movies is also one of my hobbies – I don’t spend so much time as I used to, but it’s something that I really love along with listening to music.


If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, what place would you choose and why?

I used to live in México city and I could do it again as long as I don’t have to use a car and have all I need close to my house. If I can walk to the places that I need to go – that is more than enough. However, I would also enjoy living in a small town close to the city, as long as I’m able to get to the city easily.


If you had one day to spend with someone famous (e.g. artist, actor, writer), who would you pick?

Tough one, I’m not really sure.. This is something that I have never thought of. I’d prefer to spend time with my own family. Being close to your family is important and since we are far from each other I’d rather be with them than with anyone else… You know – at the end of the day, we are all just people and I know that some are more “important” for one thing… But the ones most important to you are your own relatives.


When did you start using Spotify and what’s your favorite feature?

I guess that was in 2017. My favorite feature, well I am not sure about that… I use the platform a lot and it’s constantly changing (like almost everything technology related nowadays and you must get used to that). I find the latest Desktop update really cool.

It may sound simple, but I prefer Spotify for the way that you can work with your playlists. I used Apple Music before, but as soon as I got to try Spotify I was never turning back to Apple. You know, I simply fell in love with the platform, and I’m not interested in using another one.


Sweet! Before you go, could you share with us your favorite playlist on Spotify?

Of course, the playlists that I use/listen to the most are Less Than 1,000 Followers and Fresh Singles, both of which are mine.

If you’d like – you can enjoy them here  🎶 here 


Thanks for sticking around! Stay tuned for the next Backstage Intro coming soon 👀


Lastly, if you’re a Star wanting an introduction, feel free to reach out to one of the Mods to let us know. We’d love to find out a bit more about you 🤗



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